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Dianna Curtis

The blood of Jesus Saves

There are many different ways to wash dishes, cleaning them by hand, putting them in the dishwasher straight of the table or pre-washing them before placing them in the dishwasher. Some people take the dishes from the to the table, scrap the off in the trash and place them in the dishwasher allowing the dishwasher to do all the work. Others will take the time to rinse them off, place them in the dishwasher, cups on top, plates on the bottom all facing the same direction and the forks all standing with the prongs up. It’s hard to give the dishwasher credit for cleaning when you do all the work before hand.

Many people struggle to come to Christ because they feel unclean and unworthy. They think they must clean themselves before approaching the throne of grace. The problem with that is that we could never prewash ourselves enough to be worthy. He came so we wouldn’t waste our lives trying.

Jesus spent His days showing grace to a woman who had 5 husbands and now lived with a man who was not her husband (John 4:3-30); stopping in the midst of a crowd to speak to a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years (Matthew 9:20-22); and called out to a tax collector up in a tree and invited Himself to dinner(Luke 19:1-10). Jesus came to make us clean because we could never do it ourselves. Nothing could ever clean us like the blood of Jesus has already done.

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